Nursing care plan for people with heart failure in palliative care
case study
Heart Failure, Palliative Care, Nursing Care, Case Reports, BrazilAbstract
Introduction: Heart failure (HF) is significant due to its prevalence, hospitalization, and morbidity and mortality rates, and the impact the disease has on the lives of people, their families and the health system. Although advances in treatment have improved clinical conditions, people with HF can progress to the most severe stages, requiring palliative care.
Objective: To draw up a proposal for a nursing care plan based on the Basic Human Needs Theory for people with HF in palliative care.
Method: Case study, with a person with HF, using the instruments: nursing consultation, Barthel Index, Edmonton Symptom Scale, Diagnosis, Results and Nursing Interventions, analyzed and classified based on the references of the Basic Human Needs Theory and Total Pain.
Results: Based on clinical reasoning and the Outcome-Present State-Test model, eight diagnoses were prioritized to make up the nursing care plan.
Discussion: Clinical assessment based on theoretical references, scientific methods and standardized nursing classifications contributes to the best evidence, the development of clinical reasoning and the development of effective nursing care plan for people with HF.
Conclusion: Clinical, logical, critical, and analytical reasoning facilitated the development of a care plan aligned with the multidimensional demands presented by the patient.
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