Twelve Tips for Integrating Bioethics and Palliative Care in Medical Education




Palliative Care, Bioethics, Medical Education, Cuidados Paliativos, Bioética, Educação Médica


It is important to integrate bioethics and palliative care (PC) in addition to providing the appropriate teaching of end-oflife care to future doctors. This article presents an evaluation of the updated literature and thus proposes to integrate the principles of bioethics with PC in medical schools. Accordingly, these 12 tips aim to highlight the necessary key points to help facilitate the teaching of PC and bioethics to medical students. These points are: addressing of bioethical theories according to the context experienced; supporting shared decisions; encouraging the development of a care plan based on beneficence, non-maleficence, and dignity; relieving uncomfortable physical symptoms and the avoidance of dysthanasia; promoting comfort through palliative sedation; understanding vulnerabilities and promoting the patient’s autonomy; taking care of those who care; integrating
spirituality and the respect of religious practices; taking care of family members and informal caregivers; understanding and respecting research participants; developing awareness of medically assisted death and ethical-legal limits; and including PC and bioethics themes in all student experiences related to terminality during medical school.


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2023-06-29 — Updated on 2023-10-17


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