Medical Residents' Knowledge on Advance Directives of Will at a University Hospital
Palabras clave:
Palliative Care, Terminal Care, Living WillsResumen
Objectives: To analyze the profile of knowledge of medical residents on the topic of Advance Directives of Will.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study, based on the availability of a specific questionnaire to medical residents of a University Hospital, addressing the knowledge on the concepts about Advance Directives of Will. Those who answered "yes" to prior knowledge on AD received a second questionnaire containing specific questions on regulation of AD in Brazil, the correct mode of application and personal questions on willingness to fill out an AD for themselves.
Results: A total of 190 medical residents participated in the survey, 95.95% of the total number of residents enrolled in the period. It was observed that 41% reported knowing of AD, but only 34.6% of them knew how to write it. In the association of demographic and educational characteristics with knowledge on the definition of AD, it was observed that there was no statistically significant difference between the variables. However, it was found that the older the resident, the lower the ability to write an AD (p=0.03).
Conclusion: Knowledge on AD was satisfactory among the residents evaluated in this study, and a negative correlation was observed between the increase in age of residents and the ability to write an AD.
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