Preanesthesia evaluation of oncological patients requiring palliative procedures



Palabras clave:

Anesthesia, Palliative Care, Oncology Service, Hospital


Palliative surgery in cancer patients are surgical procedures that do not aim to cure a patient but to improve their quality of life by providing relief from symptoms caused by an existing tumor. In addition to a patient´s higher risks, due to an increased number of related comorbidities, as well as the degenerative process caused by the pathology itself and its treatments, there are several other elements that may influence the decision-making process regarding the care to be provided. The needed solicitude for cancer patients with no prospect of cure should be of interest for both the patient and the health system in the management of welfare and epidemiological strategies. The objective of this review is to gather knowledge regarding the preparation of cancer patients requiring palliative surgical procedures in order to improve their quality of life, highlighting the important role of the anesthesiologist for optimizing the postoperative outcomes. In Brazil, performing an outpatient preanesthesia evaluation is recommended by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) under resolution number 2174/2017, since each preparation for an elective anesthetic procedure informs the anesthesiologist about the patient’s clinical conditions, as well as the possible risks that can be alleviated during the period prior to surgery and on planning special care in the pre, intra and postoperative periods, thus reducing the morbidity and mortality. These professionals are in a privileged position to alleviate suffering, as they have the necessary tools to deal with many symptoms that frequently occur in patients undergoing palliative care.


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