Profile of patients in need of palliative care in a public tertiary hospital ward in Northeastern Brazil



Palabras clave:

Palliative Care, Health Profile, Internal Medicine, Brazil


Introduction: Palliative care (PC) is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients facing problems associated with life-threatening illnesses.
Objective: To investigate the prevalence, clinical, and epidemiological profile of hospitalized patients and those referred for PC in a tertiary hospital ward in a capital city in the Northeast of Brazil.
Methods: This was an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. The modified SPICT (Support & Palliative Care Indicators Tool) and sociodemographic profile forms were applied to patients of legal age admitted to the ward between July and August 2022, after consent was obtained and signed. The data was obtained through percentage analyses of the sample.
Results: The profile was composed of men approximately 55 years old, black or mixed race, with incomplete primary education, monthly family income of 1 to 3 minimum wages, with comorbidities. The majority (64%) scored on the SPICT, with an indication for PC, but only 10.5% received such care.
Conclusion: Of the patients taking part in the study, 64% of them scored two or more general indicators of worsening and at least one specific indicator of advanced disease, suggesting the indication for palliative care. However, only 10.5% of the sample who needed palliative care actually received it.


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