Esta es un versión antigua publicada el 2024-09-09. Consulte la versión más reciente.

Performance of an interdisciplinary hospital team in pediatric palliative care

case report



Palabras clave:

Thanatophoric Dysplasia, Palliative Care, Congenital Anomalies


The article aims to report a rare case of a patient diagnosed with Thanatophoric Dysplasia admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a tertiary hospital in a city in the inner state of São Paulo. The female infant has been hospitalized since birth, with history, physical, and radiological examination suggestive of Thanatophoric Dysplasia and an unaltered karyotype test, whose evolution and severity made it necessary to institute minimally invasive care. She remained in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for five months and 23 days requiring invasive
mechanical ventilation through a tracheostomy and gastrostomy feeding, until the irreversible nature of the condition was determined. The purpose of this case report aims to promote reflection on the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to patient care, providing quality of life, orthothanasia, and the importance of family-centered care practices.


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